Četverosoban stan-Vojničko Polje-PRODATO
Price:232.000,00 BAM
Date:February 3, 2023
- Viewed - 789
About This Listing
Stan u Vojničkom Polju.
✨Četvorosoban stan (90m2) potpuno namješten i pogodan za život ili poslovni/obrazovni prostor.✨
Ima 3 spavaće sobe,dnevni boravak,kuhinju+trpezariju,zatvoren balkon,kupatilo i zasebno kupatilo sa WC šoljom.😍
Stan se nalazi u lijepom dijelu, na 1. spratu, a u njegovoj neposrednoj okolini nalaze se brojne trgovine, restorani, uključujući sirijski restoran, pekare itd. ✨
🔴 Cijena: 232.000 KM
- Property Id:9821
- Area Size:90 ft2
- Bedrooms:4
- Bathrooms:2
- Date:February 3, 2023
- Type:Sale
Available Dates
Items Reviewed - 2
Shanu Shaji
Hello, I am interested in this property and would like to receive more information. Regards.
March 4, 2023 9:07 am
Helpful review0 Omro Agent
Hello, thank you for contacting us! Unfortunetly the apartment you sent query for is sold one month ago. If you are intrested, we can send you other apartmements that we have in Stup, Ilidza. There you have apartments 33-78 SqM. Best regards!
April 4, 2023 12:21 pm
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